Packet structure

|         Source CID        |
|         (8 Octets)        |
|      Destination CID      |
|         (8 Octets)        |
|        Source port        |
|         (4 Octets)        |
|      Destination port     |
|         (4 Octets)        |
|         Operation         |
|         (2 Octets)        |
|    Transport header type  |
|         (2 Octets)        |
|   Transport header length |
|         (2 Octets)        |
|      Transport header     |
.                           .
.                           .
.                           .
|           Payload         |
.                           .
.                           .
.                           .


The source and destination CID fields are in little-endian byte order; they identify the source and destination vsock devices.

The source and destination port fields are in little-endian byte order; they identify a connection or datagram flow between the source and destination devices.

The operation field is in little-endian byte order; it contains a value that is one of:

  • 1, for a connect operation;
  • 2, for a disconnect operation;
  • 3, for a control operation;
  • 4, for a data transfer operation.

The transport header type field is in little-endian byte order; it contains a value that is one of:

  • 1, if there is no transport header information;
  • 2, if there is a virtio transport header.

The transport header length field is in little-endian byte order; it indicates how many bytes of transport header follow the length field. It may be non-zero even if the transport header type field has a value of 1; in that case, the bytes for the transport header should be skipped.

If the transport header type field has a value of 2, the transport header is a virtio transport header as described below. High-level information about the packet is available in the vsockmon packet header so parsing the transport header is only necessary for low-level packet analysis. This allows applications to process packet captures even when the transport header type is unknown.

For packets with an operation field with a value of 4, the payload follows the transport header.

Virtio transport header structure

|         Source CID        |
|         (8 Octets)        |
|      Destination CID      |
|         (8 Octets)        |
|        Source port        |
|         (4 Octets)        |
|      Destination port     |
|         (4 Octets)        |
|       Payload length      |
|         (4 Octets)        |
|        Socket type        |
|         (2 Octets)        |
|         Operation         |
|         (2 Octets)        |
|           Flags           |
|         (4 Octets)        |
|       Available Space     |
|         (4 Octets)        |
|       Receive Counter     |
|         (4 Octets)        |


The source and destination CID fields are in little-endian byte order; they identify the source and destination vsock devices.

The source and destination port fields are in little-endian byte order; they identify a connection or datagram flow between the source and destination devices.

The payload length field is in little-endian byte order; it indicates how many bytes of data comprise the payload.

The socket type field is in little-endian byte order; it contains a value that is one of:

  • 1, for a connection-oriented, in-order, reliable stream.

The operation field is in little-endian byte order; it contains a value that is one of:

  • 1, for a connection request;
  • 2, for a connection response;
  • 3, for a connection reset;
  • 4, for a connection shutdown;
  • 5, for a data packet;
  • 6, for a credit update;
  • 7, for a credit update request.

The flags field is in little-endian byte order; its meaning depends on the operation field value. If the operation is a connection shutdown then bit 0 indicates that no more data will be received and bit 1 indicates that no more data will be sent.

The available space field is in little-endian byte order; it indicates how many bytes of payload data can be received without risk of dropping packets.

The receive counter field is in little-endian byte order; it indicates how many bytes of payload data have been received.